How To Remove Animations on Samsung (Android) Phone

Samsung (Android) phone has very nice animations, which makes the user experience awesome. But this will make the low-end phones slower. Removing animations can also extend battery life.
So, in this blog post, I will show you how to remove animation on Samsung (Android) phone.

Remove Animations on Samsung (Android) Phone
Remove Animations on Samsung (Android) Phone

How To Disable Animations on Samsung (Android) phones

To turn off animations on Samsung phones:
  • Open "Notification Panel" and select Settings.
  • In Settings, tap on Accessibility.
  • In Accessibility settings, tap on "Visibility enhancements".
  • In "Visibility enhancements" settings, turn ON the toggle next to "Remove animations"
Please note: I am using a Samsung phone [Model: Galaxy M12 | Software: One UI 3 (Android 11)]. So some settings may be different in the different brands of phones.
And that's how you can Remove Animations on Samsung (Android) Phone.
