Tips to save internet data in YouTube app on Android phone

In this blog/video, I am going to share some tips to save internet data on YouTube App on Android.

How to save internet data in YouTube app on Android Phone

You can turn on Data saving mode and turn off Autoplay to save internet data in the YouTube app on Android phones.

How to turn on Data saving mode in YouTube app on Android phone

Data saver in YouTube app automatically adjusts settings to save mobile data.
To turn on Data saving mode on YouTube app:
  1. Open the YouTube app on your phone.
  2. Tap on your profile photo > Settings >  "Data saving".
  3. And turn ON the toggle next to "Data saving mode".
  4. Turning on Data saving mode will automatically
    Sets Video Quality to Data Saver,
    Sets Download quality to Low (144p),
    Turn on Download over Wi-Fi only,
    Sets Uploads to Only when on Wi=Fi, and
    Sets Playback in feeds to Wi-Fi only.

How to turn off Autoplay next video in YouTube app on Android phone

If we watch the video, and when it finishes, then the next video starts playing automatically. This is a feature of YouTube called Autoplay.
To turn off Autoplay next video on YouTube app:
  1. Go to Settings again.
  2. Tap on Autoplay.
  3. And turn OFF the toggle next to "Autoplay next video".
Currently, I am using YouTube app version 17.03.35. So these settings may be different in different versions.